
100 degree additive are suitable for abiotic degration in certain environmental conditions. Biotic degradation of disintegrated product was possible because the bacterial consortium was capable of utilizing the plastic, especially oxygenated fragments as their sources of carbon and energy. It has been also reported that the microorganisms produce necessary oxidative and degradative enzymes for degrading and assimilating the polymeric carbon into their biomass and thus divide and grow in number.

A number of studies based on results of weight loss, FTIR, surfactant production, contact angle measurements, surface morpholofical studies etc have been published to interpret bidoegradation phenomenon of 100 degree technology. The film as a result of bioerosion exhibits a decrease in its mass, and the biofilm formation is clearly visible in SEM photographs.

The study also reveals that bacteria decreases surface tension for increasing the hydrophilic characteristics or rather bioavailability of the polymer. These features provide a potantial solution to the problems of “visual pollution” by palstic litter and its associated macro-toxicity which has constantly been the center of public attention.

Test results for biodegradation have been documented in various publication. Also available on request
Courtesy – Naval Materials Research Laboratory-Mumbai.

This technology is not intended for applications which goes into ladfill in absence of oxygen. In the absence of oxygen, 100 degree’s technology becomes intert to avoid any emission of methane, which is 23x more harmful than CO2.

Calco Polychem believe’s in recovering value added products from the plastic used rather than disposing in ladfill for no use.